How I Rate My Books:
5 STARS: This means I couldn't put the book down. I probably cried, or legitimately laughed out loud, and haven't stopped talking about it since I picked it up. It also means I thought the quality of the writing and storytelling were both high. Soon after I have finished, I will probably read everything else by that author if I haven't already.
4 STARS: This means I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The quality is there in the writing and story, but something was missing for me. Perhaps I had one or two smaller issues with it or did not get as emotionally invested overall.
3 STARS: This means it was a good book. It has a solid story, characters, and quality of writing. Even though the book was entertaining, there was no wow factor for me. When I think back to it, it won't be one that sticks out in my mind.
2 STARS: This means I did not enjoy the book much, or only enjoyed parts of it. Perhaps it is not for me but could be enjoyed by someone else better suited to it.
1 STAR: This means I did not enjoy the book on any level, and I struggled to get through it. It is pretty rare that I would rate something as one star. I probably did not finish the book and would never recommend it to anyone.