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How to Push Through a Tough Book

Writer: LaurenLauren

Updated: Oct 26, 2019

Have you ever started a book that you just can't get into it? Maybe it's for book club so you feel obligated to finish, or perhaps you're like me and hate leaving a book part of the way through? I've been there, and if you're an avid reader you probably have been too. So for all my fellow book finishers out there, here are some tips for pushing through a tough book.

Some readers will say, "Don't waste your time reading something you are not enjoying", or have a rule about ditching a book if you don't like it after the first 100 pages. If you can do this, fantastic! I cannot, I like to finish everything I start which isn't always easy.

One of the reasons why I like finishing a book is because often halfway through or towards the end it turns out to be a great read. This has happened to me multiple times when my opinion of a book changes entirely. One of these times was with I Let You Go, by Clare Mackintosh. I thought this book was very well written. The first chapter begins with a small child being hit by car, it was intense and highly engaging but soon fizzled out when the aftermath unfolds. After that initial chapter, it was slow and I struggled to keep reading.

So here is what I did: I went to a coffee shop, BY MYSELF. I turned my phone OFF, bought a coffee (this step is very important), and I sat and read. I forced myself to sit there until I could get to a place where I was engaged with the story and the distractions around me slipped away. Once I finally gave myself enough time to get into the book, the flow of reading started and it became SO much easier. Before I knew it I was halfway through and the story took off.

In the book I Let You Go, the author sets you up for a big reveal where you realize you've been absolutely wrong the whole time, and everything you thought you knew is incorrect. You were totally wrong. At this point, I couldn't put it down. I sat in that coffee shop for hours and I finished the book that day. It turned out to be my favourite book of 2016. I would HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who can be a little bit patient while the author sets you up for your mind to be blown.

For those of you wanting to finish what you're reading, I support you! Below are some of my tips for pushing through your book:

1) Get yourself excited about the book again. You can do this by talking to someone who has read the book and enjoyed it. Get them to re-sell you on it and talk about why it’s good. Alternately, go online and read reviews from people who loved it. Let them fuel your fire. Sometimes you just need to rekindle your interest.

2) Set a timer. Maybe it’s 15 min before bed every night, or 30 mins Saturday/Sunday morning, find a time that works for you and stick to it. Make sure you sit for that entire time without any distractions. This allows you to focus and get caught in the narrative. Making it a part of your routine will help you be consistent in getting through those pages.

3) Read something else and come back to it. This is really simple, but sometimes you’re just not in the mood for the book you have chosen. So why not come back to it when you are?

4) Try reading in a new environment. I recommend getting out of your house and going to the library or a coffee shop. This can mean fewer distractions and you won't be as tempted to tackle that laundry pile instead. Have something warm to drink or a treat to make reading an enjoyable experience, something to look forward to. Reading can be such a great form of self-care.

5) On a similar token to tip number 1, go and read up on your book/author. Give yourself more context to their story and you might become a little more interested or excited. This is like watching the promotional interviews with actors for an upcoming film before you go see the movie. I find this especially helpful when I’m reading a classic novel that isn’t in modern English. Understanding the context and knowing more about the book I’m reading helps me engage with it better.

So next time you're stuck, give yourself some time to sit and dig in a little. I can honestly say I have never regretted finishing a book. There are so many books I would have missed out on if I didn't finish them. Right now, I am coming back to Jane Austen's Emma for the third time. Finally, I am in the right mood and mindset to tackle it. I can't wait to dig in as soon as I am done writing this post.

Best of luck to all of you in tackling your book stack. Comment below if you have ever read a book that you loved once you stuck with it!

Yours Literarily,




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