How many times have you made excuses that let you quit before you even got going? In Rachel Hollis' new book Girl, Stop Apologizing the focus is on eliminating the excuses that are holding you back from reaching your goals. The advice and techniques that Hollis shares resonated with me even more than in her previous book (Girl, Wash Your Face). It is the perfect read to lift each reader up and inspire them to pursue their goals wholeheartedly.
I love how brutally honest Rachel Hollis is in her books. There is something so motivating about seeing other women own their worth and crush their goals. In this book, there were more specific examples and strategies that she uses to be successful. It made me feel empowered. Empowered to be more honest and intentional about my goals and dreams. She has the ability to make her reader feel validated, important, and brave.
It is incredible all the little things we can do to self-sabotage without even realizing it. For example, making a promise or commitment to ourselves, and not sticking to it. How many times have you told yourself you would go to the gym but have not followed through? I know I am guilty of this. Often, the commitments we break are not the ones we make with others or for others. I think it is so important that we take time to stop and think about our relationships with ourselves. Am I spending time pursuing my dreams? Am I doing enough self-care? Am I keeping the promises I make with myself? These little personal commitments are often steps in reaching our goals. Rachel Hollis has made me re-frame my thinking. Placing more importance on what I tell myself and what I commit to doing.
Since reading her books, I have also started listening to Rachel Hollis's podcast Rise and bought tickets to see her speak live in Calgary. The content that she is putting out has such a fresh and motivating energy to it. Once you have had a taste, you will only want more. And what a great way to help stay on track with our own personal goals!
This was a 5-star book for me. I would recommend it to every woman in my life. There is something in there for everyone. If you have also read it comment below! I would love to hear your thoughts.
Yours Literarily,